The relationship between journalists and PR is never going to be a perfect fit.
Each party has a different agenda.
But I do think it’s possible to diffuse what is too often considered a contentious relationship between PR and journalists. Specifically, framing the issue by supply-and-demand economic theory would go a long way to solving the issue.
With this in mind, I’ve plotted journalistic demand against the five core types of content that PR depends on to drive media coverage:
- Public domain news
- Non-public domain news
- Industry features
- Company features
- Bylined articles

In going through this exercise, the disconnect in the supply-and-demand equations lands squarely on public domain news. News announcements constitute the greatest percent of PR supply even though there’s little demand from journalists.
Taking this a step further, we asked a number of journalists a simple question, “What word or words do you associate with the news release?”
The answers weren’t pretty.